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6/30 - Application Deadline for Monte Jade SE Innovation Competition

Updated: Jun 10, 2021

(From Monte Jade Southeast chapter)

We are excited to announce the fourth annual Monte Jade Innovation Competition (MJIC 2021), co-sponsored this year by Monte Jade West based in Silicon Valley.

Since the inception in 2018, MJIC provided a forum for college students and young professionals to foster their creativity and entrepreneurship. As the world starts to emerge post-pandemic, it is our belief that technology and innovation will continue to be the main driving force to propel us through a speedy recovery.

We are seeking original, technologically inventive projects in the following two competition categories: General Concept and AI Applications. Compete to win more than $10,000 in prizes!

Phase one registration is open now until June 15, 2021. Please visit the website below to learn more about MJIC 2021.

You can also follow us on Facebook for event updates:

We look forward to your participation in MJIC 2021.

Best Regards

Jeffrey Yiin

MJIC 2021 Committee

Monte Jade Southeastern Science and Technology Association

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