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Writer's pictureMonte Jade

Leadership Lessons for Career Success

Date: Thursday, August 2, 2018 Time: 6:30-9:00PM (Registration starts at 6:30PM; Program starts at 7PM) Location: ITRI International, 2870 Zanker Road, Suite 140, San Jose, CA 95134

Moderator: Dr. Limin Hu (胡立民), Chairman, Monte Jade West

Speakers: -Dr. Rose Tseng (張蘊禮) - Chancellor Emerita, University of Hawaii at Hilo, Former Chancellor, West Valley /Mission Community College District, and Former Dean, College of Applied Sciences and Arts, San Jose State University Title: Leadership Development as a Chinese American Woman in a Western World

-Dr. Belle Wei (魏文憶) - Guidry Chair for Engineering Education, Former Dean of Engineering, San Jose State University

Registration: Online registration is required. Free. Light dinner and water will be provided.

1st Talk Abstract Title: Leadership Development as a Chinese American Woman in a Western World by by Rose Tseng

This presentation describes my personal story of leadership development. Born in China and raised in Taiwan within a predominantly Asian culture, I moved abroad at the age of 19 and experienced unique challenges and opportunities throughout the years, especially as a Asian woman in America.

Like many of you, my cultural background was heavy with Confucian influence--obedience to parents and elders, family pride, emphasis on the group vs. the individual. Later I gradually came under the influence of American Midwest culture, Catholicism (I had became Catholic in Taiwan), followed by Liberal and Democratic behaviors at the University of California, Berkeley (during the Sixties!!), and then by Silicon Valley’s unique high tech culture of entrepreneurs. I especially appreciated the entrepreneurial and “Can Do” attitude and risk-taking behaviors of ‘start up’ Silicon Valley. Under this influence, I myself began to take risks and learned that I could succeed in whatever I did, becoming more bold and confident as a university administrator.

The last 15 years of my career—which were spent in Hawaii—felt like a reward, an opportunity to meld the cultures of both East and West, together with beautiful Aloha and Loving spirit.

With the above as a background, this talk describes some of my personal learning and achievements. In putting this together, I will also try to synthesize and share with the audience some leadership lessons and concepts that I have found useful in today’s global society.

2nd Talk Abstract by Belle Wei

How to chart a path to career success? What motivates you? What are your strengths and capability? What are the opportunities? How do you position and prepare yourselves for these opportunities? I’d like seed a conversation with these questions and present a SEP (Strength, Energy, and Pay) model for career success. The goal is to help you be more thoughtful and proactive in designing your future.

Speaker bio:

Rose Y. Tseng, PhD Chancellor Emerita, Senior Advisor for the Chancellor, and Professor, University of Hawaii at Hilo Former Chancellor, West Valley-Mission Community College District Former Dean and Professor, College of Applied Sciences and Arts, San Jose State University

Rose Tseng is an educator, administrator and champion of entrepreneurial projects. In both California and Hawai‘i, she has established extensive partnerships between the university and the business community to benefit the states and the Asia-Pacific region. She was instrumental in developing a Technology and Business Park at Mission College in Silicon Valley and significantly expanded the University of Hawai‘i at Hilo’s Science and Technology Park. At Hilo, she obtained funding for construction of seven new buildings, including ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center, a modern world renown museum.

During her 12-year tenure as chancellor of UH Hilo and five years as CEO at West Valley-Mission Community College District in Silicon Valley, Dr. Tseng proved adept at running the business of higher education with distinctive records. She was successful at starting up three new colleges at UH Hilo, including the College of Pharmacy

Over the course of 23 years prior to her appointment as Chancellor/CEO at West Valley-Mission Community College District, Dr. Tseng was professor, department chair, associate dean, and then dean of the College of Applied Sciences and Arts at San José State University. Dr. Tseng also served as Principle Consultant for Nutrition and Manpower Development at the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and developed several higher education programs in China. She was a visiting professor in Fu Jen University, Taiwan

Dr. Tseng believes in community involvement. As a highly respected community leaders, she served on many boards of professional and community organizations including Workforce Silicon Valley, Joint Venture Silicon valley, Tech Museum of Innovation, San Jose Downtown Rotary, United way, American Leadership Forum and AACI (Asian American for Community Involvement). She also served as Advisor in many National organizations including National Institute of Disability, Pew health Professions Commission. The San Jose and Silicon Valley Business Journal named her one of the Bay Area’s Top 50 Women in Management. Dr. Tseng is the recipient of many awards including:

Received a White House Commendation.

Honorary doctorates from Josai International University, Japan, and International Technology University in Silicon Valley.

Outstanding alumnus of National Cheng Kung University.

University of Hawai'i at Hilo Distinguished service award.

Island Business Model award and a role model by the Hawai‘i State Legislature.

Statewide Role Model Woman of the Year from the California State Legislature.

Ho‘oulu Leadership Award from the Hawaii Institute for Public Affairs in 2010.

Dr. Tseng received a BS in chemistry at Kansas State University. She received a MS and a PhD and was a postdoctoral research fellow in nutritional sciences, with minors in biochemistry and physiology, at the University of California at Berkeley. She received certification for Registered Dietician (RD). She holds a certificate in Education Management from Harvard University.

Dr. Belle Wei

Dr. Belle Wei is the Carolyn Guidry Chair in Engineering Education and Innovative Learning at San José State University (SJSU). She served as Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at California State University, Chico, and as the Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering's Don Beall Dean of Engineering at San José State University (SJSU) for ten years.

Dr. Wei has been a champion for fostering inclusive excellence, bolstering STEM education, and broadening participation in computing. She has led the Technology Pathways Initiative (TPI) with an alliance of multiple universities and corporations in developing new interdisciplinary computing degree programs. She has also led the Silicon Valley Women in Engineering program. She championed the expansion of educational access for historically underrepresented groups, and the development of the Engineering Pathways to Success initiative that brings Project Lead the Way engineering curricula to over 200 middle and high schools in the San Francisco/Silicon Valley region.

Dr. Wei chaired the Engineering Deans Council’s Diversity Committee in 2009-2012, and spoke before U.S. Congress in 2006 on innovation, contributing to the 2007 America COMPETES Act. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Biophysics from U.C. Berkeley, Master’s degree in Engineering from Harvard University, and Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences from U.C. Berkeley.

文: 李喬琚


八月三日,美西玉山年會之後的首個對外開放的講座,也是品牌之一的田長霖講座帶給社區一個驚喜而興奮的活動 --“成功生涯之領袖課程” Leadership Lessons for Career Success. 邀請兩位知名的教育家,前夏威夷希羅分校(University of Hawai'i at Hilo)榮休校長張蘊禮以及聖荷西州立大學工程教育Carolyn Guidry 主席(Carolyn GuidryChair in Engineering Education and Innovative Learning at San José State University (SJSU) 魏文憶。





她在矽谷的米慎學院開發科技和商業園,排除萬難,讓租出校地,讓學校有數百萬美元的進帳,並在希羅擴展了夏威夷大學的科技園區。並且籌到建造九座新建築的資金,其中包括憶密樓天文中心 這是一個現代化世界著名的博物館。它融合了原住民文化輿世界尖端的天文科技。在她擔任夏威夷大學希羅分校校長的12年任期中 她成功地在大學開設了三所新學院,包括藥學院,在她領導下 夏威夷大學希羅分校成為綜合國際大學。她的成就也讓她得到許多的榮譽,包括傑出校友、夏威夷大學傑出項獻獎,並曾獲白宮表揚等。



「SEP-- Strength(強項), Energy(能量), and Pay(薪資) 」是魏文憶提出在建立成功生涯的三個要素;目的透過這三個元素,注入更多的思考也更加主動,規劃自己的未來是幫助新鮮。



「Energy( 能量)什麼人是你想合作,什麼樣的環境是你喜歡的!」魏文憶了解自己並不適合醫院的環境,在大學唸了生物物理,之後她在哈佛念工程,爾後回到柏克萊加大念電機電腦博士。進入教育界之後,她也思索一個有意義、有影響力的路。漸漸,她發現,在數學或者是生物主修的女性比例很高,但在電機系就不見得了。她也花了許多的力氣負責鼓勵女性在理科發展,Silicon Valley Women in Engineering program就是其一。她照顧弱勢族群,讓他們在高中時能夠了解大學教育,是為 Engineering Pathways to Success initiative。「我也受到許多人的啟發,我們能夠產生影響力。」


「發現自己,了解自己;尋找有意義的事,創造影響力」魏文憶希望學子們注入更多的思考在學校和職場上的選擇!而她,也是如此,從教授、聖荷西州立大學工學院院長、芝哥州立大學副校長,曾至國會闡述並推動創新,目前擔任Carolyn Guidry Chair in Engineering Education and Innovative Learning 主席,她發現自己,更發揮了影響力!



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