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Special Forum: 閱讀看世界: 那雙看不見的手- 龔行憲、龔行健兄弟的奮鬥故事


Updated: Dec 10, 2020

那雙看不見的手- 龔行憲、龔行健兄弟的奮鬥故事是一本難得以談兩兄弟的自傳型書藉,更難得的是「閱讀看世界」將同時邀請這兩位分別在光纖產業和癌症研究有重大影響的兄弟一同和本書共同作者,也是分享會主持人李喬琚一起來聊聊。 這是他們的故事!也是一個時代的故事!更是懷念單親媽媽含莘教育他們的故事。他們一位是人稱「矽谷光纖教父」的創業創投家;一位是癌症研究家。從留學、移民、事業、還鄉貢獻的故事背後,是白手起家,努力踏實的自我成就;更充滿人生智慧。 本書有龔先生以及作者簽名限量版,售價含寄費$25 (hard copy), GMSV將此收益捐助灣區火災災情之用,聊表心意,如有意收藏,請在以下留言,或message我們, or email at Call at 408-256-1306。此外,讀者可利用以下連結,直接購買本書電子版,電子版(soft copy)預購:here. Organizer: Good Morning, Silicon Valley

Co-organizers:  Monte Jade West, 今周刊

Date: Tuesday, 10/13/2020

Time: 8:00-9:30PM

Location: Online

MC:李喬琚(Maggie Li),Good Morning, Silicon Valley 共同版主、本書共同作者。


Registration: Registration is required. Please join Good Morning, Silicon Valley Facebook group first. Register for the event: click here. The zoom meeting link will be distributed on Facebook prior to the event. If you don't have a Facebook account, please register to Helen at We will email the meeting link prior to the event.

Contact: Maggie at 408-256-1306

Speaker bio: Dr. Hsing Kung (龔行憲) Hsing is Managing Partner of Acorn Campus Ventures, a technology venture fund and incubator in Silicon Valley and East Asia. Hsing co-founded Pine Photonics in 2000 and was CEO and founder of Luxnet Corp from 1998 to 2000. He has co-founded and led several other optoelectronics companies after beginning his career at Hewlett-Packard in 1974. In recent years, Dr. Kung has devoted his time to promoting civic engagement among the Chinese American community. He serves on the California State University Board of Trustees as well as the boards of Vision New America, 1st ACT Silicon Valley Arts, and former chair of Monte Jade Science and Technology Association. His passion as a leader and commitment to serving his community can be seen in the work he has done for various organizations. Previously he served on the boards of Fremont Union High School District, American Leadership Forum Silicon Valley, San Jose Repertory Theater, Rotary Club of Cupertino, United Way Silicon Valley and the Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs Association. 龔行憲從一名惠普工程師,爾後共同創辦SDL (被JDSU以411億美元併購)、松光通訊、華星光通、旭創,「橡子園」第三基金主導人,創辦成大矽谷創業天使團,曾任美西玉山理事長、學區委員、州大校董,參與扶輪社、United Way、APAPA、聖荷西劇院等。獲得社區人士尊敬,日前獲”美國領袖論壇“(American Leadership Forum)楷模獎。成功大學畢、柏克萊加大博士。 Dr. Hsing Jien Kung (龔行健) Dr. Kung is a renowned cancer researcher, he is Academician, Academia Sinica, a Chair Professor, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan, former President, National Health Research Institutes. He is committed to help mentoring next generation cancer biologists and aspiring young faculty in the US, in Taiwan and in China. He has served in several advisory boards or teaching position of NCI-designated cancer centers, consultants for NCI, and am a member of advisory committees for several institutes of Academia Sinica, College of Life-science at National Tsing-Hua University, Cancer Center at Taipei Medical University, National Yang-Ming University.   As Director of Basic Sciences, UC Davis Cancer Center, he directed basic cancer research with specialty in molecular genetics of prostate cancer and viral induced cancers. My current research interests are in the areas of targeted cancer therapies.  His lab is involved in developing tyrosine kinase inhibitors and animal disease models as well as identifying mechanisms associated drug resistance. He received many outstanding recognitions, including, NCI MERIT Award, CaP CURE Research Award, American Cancer Society Faculty Research Development Award, Faculty Research Award, Fellow of Leukemia Society of America. He loves to play piano and Hymnals.

龔行健從事癌症研究超過四十年,中央研究院院士,現任教於台北醫學大學,在腫瘤病毒與癌症基因研究有多項重大發現,曾任中華民國國家衛生研究院院長、加州大學戴維斯分校癌症中心基礎研究主任和教授、曾任教於Michigon State, Case Western Reserve。獲多項美國癌症研究機構研究獎。並為清大、交大講座教授、台灣大學畢業、加州理工學院博士,UCSF博士後。

Full Video of Interview:


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