I met Jason, a young man with a vibrant passion of life, during my trip to Taipei in May. He is the Secretary General of MJ Taiwan, and has had quite a few notable experiences in his career. In his twenties, Jason adventured to Central and South America, where he studied Spanish and had a gig as a local barista. He co-founded a software company in Northern California, then established TedX Taipei. Moreover, he was elected to Taiwan's parliament, the Legislative Yuan. We are very excited to welcome him into our MJ family! Look forward to more collaborations with him and MJT.
許毓仁(Jason) 在高雄六合夜市長大,JASON一直有很大的夢想,廿多歲已經有十多項工作經驗。他遊學中南美洲,賣咖啡:他到矽谷創業,又重植創新在台灣, 帶進Tedx Taipei!現在卸下立法委員的工作,在台灣玉山建立創新創意平台!是台灣玉山科技協會祕書長義務職!
Part 1.
Part 2.